Video Photography

Babylon Productions specializes in wedding video in Toronto. We create cinematic type production as part of your Wedding Videos. We have state of the art equipment to enhance your wedding videography on the most important day of your life, your wedding day. We also feel that it is so important to capture as much as possible throughout the entire wedding day and night to make the results as creative as possible. Making a wedding video means memories that will last forever. Thanks to technology changing, wedding videosbring smaller, more light-sensitive cameras to today’s wedding videographer. It is no longer necessary to have big cameras to capture every piece of footage for your wedding video. Real time television has dispelled themyth that “bigger is better” when it comes to producing a wedding video suitable for television. Smaller, lessobtrusive digital cameras allow camera operators into such places delivery rooms, courtrooms, etc. Most brides we speak with are much more concerned with “content captured” than they are with”pixels per inch” and “lines ofresolution”.
6 Hours Video
- 1 Photographer
- 1 Videographer
- Unlimited Hi-Res Images
- Digital Photos & Video
- 1 (20x24) print on a Canvas - Wedding Photo
10 Hours Video
- 1 Photographer
- 1 Videographer
- Unlimited Hi-Res Images
- Cofee Book (Photo Album) - 12 Pages
- Digital Photos & Video
- 1 (20x24) print on a Canvas - Wedding Photo
12 Hours Video
- 1 Photographer
- 1 Videographer
- Unlimited Hi-Res Images
- Cofee Book (Photo Album) - 20 Pages
- Digital Photos & Video
- 1 (20x24) print on a Canvas - Wedding Photo
- 1 (20x24) print on a Canvas - Engagement Photo Shoot 1 hour in gta