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Traditional Wedding Ceremony

Traditional marriage ceremonies form a basic component in preserving the cultural heritage of a people. The marriage vows shared between bride and bridegroom in a traditional setting are precious, and it is important to respect the wishes of both the bride and groom, and their families. When holding your traditional wedding ceremony, you need to reserve the right place to get married. If you are Muslim, then you may want to seek a nearby mosque to have your wedding in. If you are Jewish, you may want to have your ceremony in a synagogue, if you’re Christian then in a chapel or church. Or, if you are not religous, you may just want to sign the papers at city hall and have a lovely reception at a banquet hall.

It is important to observe the correct ceremonies for your wedding, especially if you are reigious. Make sure to check with your church, mosque, synagogue, etc. to ensure you observe your wedding day rituals correctly. Or, simply ask a family member, friend, or go online and look for the right traditions that you would like upheld on your special day. A traditional wedding ceremony contains the cultural, religious, and social values of the bride and groom, and their families and friends. That’s why it’s important to respect the ceremony, and to make sure the traditions are followed correctly. We have provided web pages containing information on almost every cultural and/or religious form of wedding ceremony, to help make sure you don’t overlook anything important. Another way Babylon is here to help.

For over 25 years Babylon Productions has been servicing weddings in the GTA. We will provide you with the best wedding photographers and videographers in the business to make sure you remember your special day in the best way possible! Clear digital photos of the smiling faces of the bride and groom, along with a DVD production of all the day’s moments will ensure that you will look back fondly on your day, and will be proud to show your wedding day memories to your friends. Trust the best in the wedding business. Trust Babylon